Case Study: All Secure
How personal growth led to business growth
A self-storage business with a strong focus on sales engaged EXCC as its sales trainer on an on going basis. EXCC’s holistic approach to sales training uses personal development as a means to achieving sales goals. A marked increase has been seen in sales conversion rates, including upselling and cross selling.
All Secure is a self-storage business with 12 locations throughout New Zealand. Each branch is managed by a Branch Manager, and overseen by Nick Brennand, Operations Manager.
EXCC has been working with All Secure for over two years.
Before working with EXCC, All Secure brought a sales trainer from Australia once or twice a year for a customised two-day training session. But when the sales trainer was seconded, All Secure needed a new sales trainer. This need became particularly urgent when a new call centre operator joined the business to deal with the inbound enquiries and needed training.
In-house sales training was not the solution: “We prefer to focus on what we do well, and I’m not very good at training people in that regard,” says Nick. “And it would also mean pulling me away from my own role, which would create a strain on resources. I also worried that the new person wouldn’t get up to speed quickly enough, and that it would in turn hurt our sales conversion rates. So we really needed a new sales trainer.”
Jason at EXCC was recommended by a colleague of Nick’s. At the first meet and greet, Nick saw that Jason brought a whole new perspective to sales training. “We were apprehensive at first,” says Nick. “We’d been very happy with our previous sales trainer, and we weren’t sure if Jason’s ideology would convert to higher conversions within our business. Not just the call centre role, but all our Branch Managers need on going sales training too.”
Jason at EXCC has now been working with All Secure for over two years, and as well as training the new call centre operator, Jason has worked with the team on:
• Company values, mission and purpose.
• Sales process optimisation.
• Sales training on consultative selling.
• Working with the team on mindset, accountability, motivation, and coaching methodologies
EXCC delivered two live workshops at the outset, followed by delivering online coaching to the 12 Branch Managers. The programme was customised to All Secure’s goals, needs, and objectives. This included developing a customised sales playbook.
“The personalised playbook is a great resource,” says Nick. “It’s something we can rely on, and a great framework to fall back on. For new staff, it’s a fantastic tool to communicate what we do and get them up to speed quickly.
“Jason’s training is very different to what our staff had encountered before. The sales training we were used to was all about how to sell self-storage, and how to convert better. It was a very direct, A-to-B process. Jason’s angle is about how we can make ourselves better in order to achieve our goals. Once the staff could see the benefits of this approach, they really opened up and we saw some great growth. Not just in their sales figures, but in their personal development as well.
“Jason gives us the tools to self develop and there’s a big focus on mindset. It gives the team an understanding of what’s been holding them back in the past, and how to move past it.”
Pride in our company and culture
“We’ve always had a really good company culture, but with Jason’s work it got even better. He also brought a new emphasis on our company values, mission, and purpose. The staff all collaborated on this, and now we really live those company values, and we reference them a lot. Our culture is something that we’re very proud of. But because we’re always frantic and hectic, we hadn’t put a lot of emphasis on that part of the business. Working on it with Jason has been a benefit holistically to the whole work environment, as all the staff now live those values every day. Jason has realigned our vision to incorporate pride in what we’re doing, and to celebrate our successes.”
Team empowerment and personal development
“Jason gives the staff tools to be successful in their roles, and that’s helped the team’s management and leadership capabilities grow. The skills and tools he gives us are transferable and easy to implement.
“The team looks forward to the virtual gettogethers with Jason. I really look forward to the coaching sessions too, as it’s a great chance to share success stories and be proud of what we’ve achieved. And it’s great for the team to learn new techniques on how to improve themselves and be more successful. The team really enjoys that, and they appreciate that we’re investing in them to improve themselves. And it’s done in such a way that it doesn’t just focus on the business goals, but also everyone’s personal goals. So it benefits everyone involved, in that we’re setting them up to be successful.”
New starters get up to speed more quickly
“New team members that join the business are able to get up to speed more quickly because of Jason’s training. He provides them with a snapshot so they can catch up quickly and don’t feel left behind. He’s got a good roadmap for getting new staff up and running quickly.”
Sales process optimisation
“Jason keeps telling me that he thinks our sales process is fantastic. We had a sales process before we worked with Jason, but he’s really embraced it and taken it to the next level. He really dived into it and customised it around how to make the whole process better by upselling. And then he’s provided training specifically around that to make the process even more successful. I like how he really adapted our process and enhanced it, rather than replace it.
“Jason’s work on our sales process has been successful, as it always felt difficult to implement in the past. We found that people were struggling in certain areas for various reasons, and Jason broke that down into smaller bites to really dive into what’s holding us back.”
Significant increase in sales conversion rates
“We’ve seen a marked increase in sales conversion rates since we started working with Jason, and he’s identifi ed additional areas where we can upsell and cross sell. Working with Jason has lead to signifi cant financial benefits for our business. Plus we have the confidence in our staff to perform well, with some really good personal growth.
“Sales conversions have increased because Jason’s given us the tools to feel comfortable asking prospects questions, and how to react to their responses. Our staff now have the confidence to sell our products really well, and we’re seeing great benefits to the business.”
Energy, enthusiasm and fun
“The best part about working with Jason is his energy; it rubs off on all the team. His sessions are never boring or basic – there’s always a certain degree of energy and enthusiasm that makes everyone want to get engaged and ultimately have fun.”
Jason’s services are highly recommended
“Jason obviously loves what he does, and it’s really enjoyable working with him. I’m very happy that we’re working with him. I’ve seen great personal growth in our team members, which has translated to business growth and tangible results for us. I would definitely recommend other businesses engage Jason’s services, and we will continue to work with him to capitalise on our success. Jason’s going to be part of our journey for some time yet.”
“We needed a new sales trainer when our existing trainer moved on to a new role. A colleague recommended Jason at EXCC to me.
“We were apprehensive at fi rst. Our previous sales trainer had a very direct approach, whereas Jason’s approach was about making ourselves better in order to achieve our goals. This is very different to what we’d encountered before, but once the staff could see the benefits, they really opened up and saw some great growth. Not just in their sales figures, but in their personal development as well.
“EXCC has been working with us for over two years, and the work has included revisiting our company values, mission and purpose; optimising our sales process; sales training on consultative selling; and working with our team on mindset, accountability, motivation, and coaching methodologies.
“The team really looks forward to the virtual get-togethers with Jason. We’ve always had a really good company culture, but with Jason’s work it got even better. We enjoy sharing and celebrating our successes, and the team appreciates that we’re investing in them to improve themselves.
“We’ve seen a marked increase in sales conversion rates since we started working with Jason, and he’s identified additional areas where we can upsell and cross sell. Working with Jason has lead to significant financial benefits for our business.
“The best part about working with Jason is his energy; it rubs off on all the team. His sessions are never boring or basic – there’s always a certain degree of energy and enthusiasm that makes everyone want to get engaged and ultimately have fun.”
– Nick Brennand, Operations Manager, All Secure
” Jason obviously loves what he does, and it’s really enjoyable working with him “I would defi nitely recommend other businesses engage Jason’s services, and we will continue to work with him to capitalise on our success. Jason’s going to be part of our journey for some time yet.”
If you’d like to find out more about working with EXCC, please contact us.